The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of the training problem solving skills on decision making styles in parents of mentally retarded children. For this reason, 60 parents of mentally retarded children were chosen from Tehran, Tejram by convenience sampling and divided randomly in experimental and control group (30 subjects in each group). The research design, was pre test and post test Quasi experimental design with control group. The experimental group were trained for 7 sessions under problem solving skills. General decision making questionnaire of Scot and Bruce was used as the examination tool. Finally, the data were analyzed by using a covariance test. The results showed that training problem solving skills was effective onrational, intuitive, dependency, and immediate decision making styles of parents with mentally retarded children. However, problem solving skills training was not effective on avoidance decision making styles of parents with mentally retarded children. It was concluded that problem solving skills training was effective on some decision making styles of parents of mentally retarded children.
Zare, H. and Sheikhbahaei, P. (2014). Investigating the Effect of Training Problem Solving Skills on Improving Decision Making
Styles in Parents of Mentally Retarded Children. , 1(2), 10-1.
Zare, H. , and Sheikhbahaei, P. . "Investigating the Effect of Training Problem Solving Skills on Improving Decision Making
Styles in Parents of Mentally Retarded Children", , 1, 2, 2014, 10-1.
Zare, H., Sheikhbahaei, P. (2014). 'Investigating the Effect of Training Problem Solving Skills on Improving Decision Making
Styles in Parents of Mentally Retarded Children', , 1(2), pp. 10-1.
H. Zare and P. Sheikhbahaei, "Investigating the Effect of Training Problem Solving Skills on Improving Decision Making
Styles in Parents of Mentally Retarded Children," , 1 2 (2014): 10-1,
Zare, H., Sheikhbahaei, P. Investigating the Effect of Training Problem Solving Skills on Improving Decision Making
Styles in Parents of Mentally Retarded Children. , 2014; 1(2): 10-1.